Mrs. Newick and the 7th grade teachers and students set up the mock election to help the students become more aware of the voting process. This activity directly related to the civic/government learning area outcome in social studies.
President/Vice President:
- Johnson/Gray (Libertarian) 4 votes
- Obama/Biden (Democrat) 313 votes
- Romney/Ryan (Republican) 100 votes
- Stein/Honkala (Green Independent) 4 votes
- Dalton (Non-Party) 7 votes
- Dill (Democrat) 39 votes
- Dodge (Independent for Liberty) 4 votes
- King (Independent for Maine) 228 votes
- Summers (Republican) 28 votes
- Woods (Independent) 129 votes
- Courtney (Republican) 93
- Pingree (Democrat)297 votes
- Tyll (Republican) 131 votes
- Woodbury (Independent) 266 votes
- Cooper (Democrat) 292 votes
- Hough (Republican) 124 votes
- O'Brien (Democrat) 339 votes
Question 2: Bond Issue: Yes 264 to 159
Question 3: Bond Issue: Yes 317 to 103
Question 4: Bond Issue: Yes 285 to 161
Question 5: Bond Issue: Yes 338 to 108
Special Referendum Election:
Article 2: Yes 354 to 131
Article 3: Yes 264 to 164