World Traveler Visits HMS
Our visitor was Bill Nichols. He runs his own consulting company,
providing marketing
strategy services to financial organizations, most recently in several
African countries where he also voluntereed his time & business
expertise to assist non-profit organizations and NGOs. He is an avid
traveler and has visited nearly 100 countries. In honor of Geography
Awareness Week's theme this year around global interdependence, Bill
prepared a fantastic presentation for the entire fifth grade entitled: "Your
Rice Dinner Connects the more ways than you can imagine."
Bill started with a picture of his dinner plate, filled with universal
rice, spices, veggies and protein (fish in this case). Then he traced
his food to its origin, starting with the rice. He showed the kids
pictures of rice farming in several Asian and African countries he has
visited as he explained the process of growing, harvesting and exporting
rice. Then he used the spices, vegetables and fish from his meal to
discuss the lives of the farmers who grow these crops and catch the
fish, focusing on Africa. He helped the students understand where their
food comes from and how they are connected to people very different
from themselves. The students were engaged and asked thoughtful
questions because there was so much to learn!
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