Morgan Cuthbert was pleased to share the following information about this exciting learning opportunity:
The 7th grade science classes welcomed the Yarmouth and Southern Maine Community to HMS to collaborate on recent lessons about body systems. This community connection enriches our students' learning experiences.
Deputy Chief Rich Kindelan and Kira Lacasse, from Yarmouth Fire Rescue, and Dr. Dave Cox were on hand to support our students through the Vital Signs lab. The students learned about blood pressure, pulse, breath rate and how to administer non-breath CPR. These “vital” signs are crucial to understanding body systems and allowed our students to learn about how their own bodies work.
Our students at work |
A group of parents who are medical professionals from the Southern Maine area volunteered their time to to provide our students with mini-lessons during our annual porcine heart and respiratory dissection. This study grounded the students in their understanding of the respiratory and circulatory unit. Demonstrations included a tracheotomy, identifying problem areas in the heart and blood vessels, tracing the flow of blood through the heart, and identifying structures and functions within the heart.
We're grateful to these professionals for volunteering their time!
Dr. Keaney at work |
From left to right: Pam Bergen, Maud Van de Weile, Johanna Salay, Karina Omark, Pat Keaney, Ben Lowenstein, Jen Pires, and Cynthia Foss Not Pictured: Phillidia and Bill Ruth, Clay McDonough, Marla Dickinson, Liz Russo