Our heartfelt appreciation to Mrs. Emmons, Ms. Mike, and all of our Career Fair presenters for creating another exceptionally successful HMS Career Fair!
Mr. Currier at work |
this day together takes an incredible amount of time, energy and
planning. The presenters were phenomenal. Their interesting, engaging sessions fascinated our students. We appreciate
the time they took to share their expertise with us and the questions our students asked, which demonstrated their interest
and excitement
about careers they may want to pursue.
Mr. Hewitt at work |
We extend our gratitude to the Career Fair committee for all of their work. Special thanks to Ms. Roberts, Mrs. Gardner, Mr. Arsenault and Mr. C. for their efforts to ensure that this day was a success, and to all of the HMS staff support of this event.
Mr. Reinsborough at work |
Our thanks also to Mrs. Logan for introducing us to our Keynote speaker, Mr. Akakpo, who shared his inspiring story with us!
Mrs. Logan introduces Mr. Akakpo
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