Kyla Winchester |
Our amazing HMS PTO reps brought their vision for an awesomely fun and spooky Halloween evening to the HMS cafe on Friday, 10.28!
5th and 6th grade students turned out dressed for the theme, played
games, sang, participated in a dance-off and costume contest, and
generally had a hilarious, creepy time enjoying the decorations and
amazing music provided by HMS DJs Evan and Ty Luca-our thanks to both of
The awesome decorating team ensured just the right atmosphere for the evening-we're grateful to Will McDowell, Trent Richard, Michael McGonagle, Spencer Moore, Carter Lucca, Maggie Ralph, Fiona Bergen, Lexi Clark, Anielka Waldron, Margo Patch and Sophie Smith, for the time and thought they put into this party!
Pizza, snacks, and Halloween goodies bags were enjoyed by all-thank you Rob Anderson and Michele Lucca!
Sincere thanks
to all of our chaperones for making this night possible. Our
appreciation to Melina Roberts, Laura Coroi, Stacey Pardales,
Jess Smith, Alison Moore, Kim Tippie, Jesica Garrou, Michele Lucca,
Charlotte Brennan, Meghan Haugevik, and Stephanie Robison.
Jess Smith, Stacey Pardales, Jesica Garrou, Melina Roberts and Michele Lucca
thanks to everyone who stayed to clean up! This includes some student
volunteers: Darby Brennan, Liam Hickey, Owen Redfield, Evan Lucca, Ty
Lucca, Carter Lucca.
our gratitude to the HMS PTO for the time and energy they put into this
event with the goal of adding PTO fundraising at the middle school! We're looking forward to making this event an annual celebration!
Melina Roberts |